Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dr. Mike visits Descanso Gardens

In 2006 Dr. Mike had an opportunity to visit Descanso Gardens in La CaƱada Flintridge. He spoke with several patrons along with engineer Bruno Seiler who runs the train and the Curator Kapuhi Stibbard. This clip was taped in 2006

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tai Chi for Seniors

Tai Chi is a martial art, an ancient martial art, probably the oldest of all martial arts. This particular style is called Sun style, and is very suitable for senior citizens who have arthritis and who have tendency to fall.

Movements are gracious, slow, rhythmic, creating a perfect harmony of movements, breathing and meditation. Doctor Paul Lamm developed this kind of Tai Chi into main stream medicine, and there are many medical studies proving that this type of Tai Chi is really medically beneficial for our health. The world's major arthritis foundations, including American Arthritis foundation recognizes Tai Chi Sun style as official Tai Chi for arthritis.

Glendale Memorial Hospital and the Care More health plan of California are having regular Tai Chi classes for our senior patients. If you have any questions about those exercises classes please call doctor Neskovic's office at 818-244 4114 .

Tai Chi for Seniors from Mike Neskovic on Vimeo.

This video is also on YouTube

Monday, July 21, 2008

Five sure ways to ruin your health and your life!

Think about bad attitude, negative emotions, and bad food that we eat, the lack of exercise, and not doing enough for our fellow human beings, and all of this is sure prescription for disaster.

Think about your attitude for a moment, and you will instantly know why your life is unfolding as it should, or why your life is not going in the direction that you would like it to go. Did you notice those inpatient people and arrogant people who think that they are more important than anyone else? They rarely give allowances to others, they often come from the negative side, and they see glass half full as a glass half empty. And they are wondering why their lives are not happy lives. There is a saying that we should hire employees for good attitude, and we should train them for skills. And Charles Swindoll said at best:

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes”.

And maybe you didn’t think about that but good attitude is essential for our good health. So, when you catch yourself getting into a bad attitude, just stop it right away and give allowances and give love to people around you, and you will be glad that you did that!

Now, think for the moment about your emotions. There is nothing better than positive, good emotions, when we love and respect each other. And there is nothing worse from negative emotions which are toxic for our body, mind and our spirit. Like colors of a rainbow we can experience many different emotions. But the worst human emotion is resentment, which is like a poison for our mind and hearts. Roy Masters calls resentment loser’s anger. We can get addicted to resenting other people, and sadly to say some people are full of anger hate and resentment. So don’t go in that negative direction of human emotions, become fast on forgiveness and slow on anger. In the movie “Batman and Robin “, Batman said to Robin: “Remember Robin, emotions are enemies of true justice!”, and it is so true indeed emotions are enemies of true justice. We need to know the real truth and truth will set us free! When we are under great pressures, when things go wrong, in those difficult times we should be cool, calm, and collected. And be careful and patient with people who come from negative side. They always see glass half full as a glass have empty. Be respectful toward them but gently point out your point of view, and as people would say, let go and let God.

Human beings cannot survive without water, air, thinking all the time, and yes we cannot survive without food. But did you know that food is not only used as nourishment for our body, but that food can be considered also as one of the seven deadly sins. It is called gluttony or eating just for your pleasure, living life just to eat, rather than eating healthy to live healthy lives. Even though technology and the human advancements are changing our ways of life so fast, we still do have Stone Age bodies. What does it mean to have a Stone Age bodies? Medical a speaking out of human bodies are still 90% similar to bodies of any mammal. In my opinion we should not eat three meals and two desserts every day, especially if we have a sedentary job. We should eat in moderation, and our food should be 80% vegetarian and 20% fish and poultry. We should eat red meat very sparingly. Actually, the healthiest patients in my medical practice are people who are vegetarian. We should it to more food from God’s table. That means you should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables with all those beautiful colors of a rainbow. That food that looks fresh and delicious is live food, versus dead food which comes as packaged and canned food with long lasting shelf life. I stopped drinking coffee and soft drinks five years ago, and my health improved significantly. I enjoy my herbal teas and food from God’s table. In my opinion diet drinks are especially dangerous. We are lying to our own body with every seep of that zero calories drink. We are taking chemicals which our body cannot recognize and it is damaging our pancreas and other vital organs. And as a result of thinking goes diet drinks we don’t lose weight but he actually gain weight. We should eat when we are hungry, we should drink fresh water, without ice when we are thirsty, and this is the only way to regain our good health.

Yes, to be healthy we need to do regular exercises too. Food and exercises are like two wings on an airplane. In the same way that airplane cannot fly with one wing only, we cannot be really healthy with only eating healthy and not exercising, or we cannot be a really healthy with only exercising regularly but not eating healthy. Center for disease control recommends that an average American needs to exercise five times a week and every health care professional would agree with this statement. I personally do exercise three times a week in my local YMCA. But I do strenuous exercise each time lasting for about two hours. First, I do aerobic exercise on a machine called “Life fitness 9500”. Second, I do exercise with the FitLinxx, 12 machines connected to a computer, and it is like my personal trainer over the last five years. Or, you can go to a YMCA web sites and read more information like this:”More than 4,000 Y members have benefited from the FitLinxx® system; our digital training partner that takes the “work” out of “working out”.

FitLinxx® provides you with instant training feedback and recommended exercise programs for cardiovascular and strength machines. It also ban measures your fitness progress. Just login and FitLinxx will tell you the amount of weight to use, the number of repetitions, range of motion, seat settings, and more. You can also login from home to record outdoor exercise activities like walking or bike riding.”

I’m very impressed by FitLinxx system, and it is very important part of my healthy lifestyle. I wake up easy at 5:15 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and do my 2 hours exercises, and my life is unfolding as it should. I am in vibrant health, full of life’s energy, my sleep is excellent, my percentage of body fat is 16.20% and my body mass index is 22.2. If you check those numbers with your doctor he would tell you that this is very desirable for any person. So if you decided not to do regular exercises, you’re committed to ruin your health. At first those negative changes are reversible but if you continue inactive lifestyle, and if your weight is beyond desirable weight, this is sure way to ruin your health.

Cactus Garden - Huntington visit excerpt from Mike Neskovic on Vimeo.

Being 55 years old person now, and being a Family Physician for the last 31 years I come to a conclusion that working is essential for every human being. I personally worked hard all of my life and I’m very happy that I did. And I am planning to work and to contribute for the rest of my life. It is OK to retire from your work but never retire from your life. Remember the old saying: “Always is more blessed one who gives than one who receives!” The secret is in giving, and the secret is in being part of a solution and never part of a problem. Don’t be lazy, do not procrastinate and do something good for other human beings. The same way when doctors tell patients that even after a heart attack, they should get out of bed and walk and do some exercises, the same way when we are healthy we should work and contribute and be useful human beings. All of us living people are like the part of an imaginary huge river of life, and if we want to remain healthy we need to move with exact speed of this imaginary river of life. If we speed up and try to do too much there will be repercussions, and in the same token if we slow down and don’t do enough there will be repercussions.

It is sad to say, but we are surrounded with failures. Success is indeed an uncommon happening among human beings. But maybe one out of hundred people is doing all of the right things which we discussed above. Find those people, emulate them, be more like them, talk more like them, walk more like them and ask them for advice. Those people are our mentors and they are ready and waiting to give us good useful advice, to edify us, to point the right direction, and to tell us exactly what to do. But we are often like in a deep hypnotic state, unable to do what is right, and what is right to do for the right reason. Often wrong seems like right, and we continue doing wrong, and we secretly hope we will get on right path. But, isn’t it definition of insanity: ”Doing same things over and over and expecting different outcome!” So, snap out of this hypnotic state and start doing right things.

In conclusion if you do not want to ruin your life, choose positive mental attitude, practice positive mental attitude, be patient, give allowances to other people be giving and forgiving and love one another. It is very important to eat healthy, to it and when you are hungry and drink water when you’re thirsty and eat more from God’s table. Find a walking body and get a pedometer and walk every day 5,000 to 10,000 steps. Also get an accurate scale and monitor your weight because a life not examined is life not worth living. Examine everything question everything, get second opinion if you are not happy with your doctors advise, and do everything in moderation. I have my mentors and I wish you to have your mentors, a few very special people who made it. Go ahead and find a few real friends who can give you the best advice, the best guidance and the best support. And now when you know how to ruin your health go ahead and do the right thing and save yourself!

S. Mike Neskovic M.D.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dr. Mike Neskovic visits the Huntington Library

My dear friend, if you did not see a real paradise on this planet Earth, please visit this majestic place.There are many different gardens there like: Australian garden, Japanese garden , Chinese garden, Zen garden and the most beautiful all Cactus garden . I've heard that this cactus garden has the most varieties of cactai in one place.

When you cross that line, the entrance into HUNGTINGTON garden, you come to a true paradise of many varieties of flowers , plants and trees. The best gardeners and horticulturist of the world work here and they are making sure that this beautiful gardens are maintained in the very best way. And please keep this information as a secret and bring only your very best friends and relatives to this beautiful place.

The Huntington from Mike Neskovic on Vimeo.

This clip is also available on Youtube

Dr. Mike of visits the Huntington Library & Botanical Gardens and speaks about it's beauty and benefits. He speaks of the five most important things in life: Attitude, Emotions, Food, Exercise, & Be good to others . Based on the writings of Charles Swindoll and Carlos Castaneda

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pets and Stress Management

Having pets brings joy to our lives and much more. Scientific evidence indicates that having pets can bring our blood pressure to normal, help with diabetes, cholesterol management and stress management. Enjoy this segment with our guest Dr. Levitt, Veterinarian and pet owners with their pets.

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi is an ancient Marshal Art, a kind of meditation in motion, slow moving gentle exercise people do at parks. There is a scientific evidence that practicing Tai Chi can help you with arthritis, fall prevention in seniors, and overall improve quality of life

Bioloigical Markers

Dr. Mike Neskovic talks about the importance of regular control of you blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, your weight, and about stress management

Friday, July 4, 2008

8 lifesaving tests for men

There is an inherent logic to preventative health measures and disease prevention. It seems more sensible to prevent the occurrence of diseases, or stop them early in their natural history, than to delay treatment until the disease has resulted in irreversible damage to the body.

Yet thousands of Americans suffer from chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer, renal failure, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes despite current screening tests and known risk reductions.

There are basic guidelines for most screening tests. Below are the recommendations of Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP), a program featuring tools for tracking preventative medicine services in the physician's office as well as patient and professional education about disease prevention.

PPIP, a pilot program partnered by Glendale Memorial and CareAmerica. Follows criteria recommended by such major medical authorities as the American Academy of Family Practice and American Cancer Society.

”Be aware your unique hereditary and history may make you more vulnerable to certain disease.” Says Neskovic. “It is important your personal physician knows this so they can adjust the screening to appropriate levels.“

The following are tests men can't live without:

Blood pressure
Approximately 50 million American have elevated blood pressure warranting monitoring or drug therapy. Treatment for hypertension is very effective. Left untreated, however, it can increase the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease and kidney disease. Blood pressure should be measured at least every other year throughout life.

High cholesterol is a major modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease. Guidelines recommend a blood test in which levels of total cholesterol are measured. If results are within normal limits, retesting is not needed for five years. If results are not within normal ranges, your physician will recommend an appropriate schedule for retesting.

Fecal Occult Blood Test
This test requires following a special diet and collecting stool samples over a three day period. The samples are tested for blood from premalignant growths or colorectal cancers. This test is recommended once every one to three years fro those over the age of 50.

In this procedure, a flexible illuminating tube is inserted into the rectum and colon. This allows the physician to identify suspicious lesions and biopsy them. This test is recommended every three to five years over the age of 50.

Skin Examinations
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is recommended that patients should undergo an examination of the skin every three years for those between the ages of 20 to 39 years of age, and yearly after age 40. This exam is a relatively simple test in which the physician looks for signs of skin cancer.

Digital Rectal Exam
This exam screens the patient for both prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the United States and prostate cancer the second most common cancer in men. Major health authorities believe this exam should be part of the periodic health examination. Performed every one to three years for those over the age of 50.

Prostate-Specific Antigen
This test also screens for prostate cancer. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the necessity of this test, recommendations have been made for men to undergo this test every year after the age of 50.

Aspirin Prophylaxis
Studies have shown low-dose aspirin to significantly decrease the incidence of first myocardial infarction in men. This prophylactic treatment is recommended in patients over 40 years of age with risk factors for coronary heart disease. The decision to begin taking aspirin should be made only after consultation by each individual with their physician.