TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: SECOND HOLLYWOOD HEALTHLINE SHOW, ON 8-18-06 WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SHOULD TELL YOU? 1. Your health is a very serious business. Mistakes made in past are not possible to correct most of the time. And even when correctable with drugs, drugs have dangerous side effects which can harm your health. 2. So, examine your life regularly, make small corrections constantly. Remember that our body is temple of Holly Spirit, and it should be beautiful. 3. If you got any chronic condition, like heart disease, high blood pressure, headache, depression, anxiety, weight problem and even only high cholesterol, this advice is pertinent for you. And even if your spouse or friend has any of these chronic problems, this advice is pertinent for you. 4. You will never find solutions in body and mind realm only. And even if you get better, you are remaining part of the problem and not part of a solution. 5. Permanent and real solutions are found in our heart and spiritual realm. And this is so hard for so many of my patients to understand and accept. 6. Most of my patients whoa re not getting better are like hypnotized. It is called “Hypnosis of social Conditioning”. We have very hard time to live life correctly, but we repeat mistakes of our grandfathers and fathers, and our culture’s bad habits. 7. Many of my patients are addicted, and even don’t know it or don’t believe it, and would fiercely deny it. Like thy can stop smoking or drinking soft drinks, and especially diet drinks, any time they want- but actually they can not do that. Definition of addiction is that we repeatedly and regularly take something not necessary for our health. And the most difficult problem is with food, because it is hard to distinguish eating to live-for our good health, vs. living to eat. 8. SO WHAT TO DO? 9. First, learn to THINK differently. You become what you think about all day- old philosophers would say. Correct thinking will bring you to your salvation. Think and believe that we are born in SIN- and there are 7 deadly sins. Go on internet, or just read bible carefully, and you will see that you, and me to have at least one or two sin problems in our human nature. 10. Become success in your own life- and I mean success with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual and even your financial health. Think and acknowledge that you are surrounded with failures, and that real success is something very rare. 11. I know you expect me to tell you to exercise and eat healthy food, but emotional and spiritual aspect of how and what exercise and what food you to eat is 100 times more important for successful and healthy life. And how to do it I call “The art of living”. 12. And “The Art of Living” is hard to explain with words, because it is mostly “Wordless Word”, and you either get it or you don’t get it. It is like a foreign language, for one person those are just unknown sounds, and for the other person those same sounds are a beautiful song or truth which can touch your heart. 13. Let me start with importance of good night sleep. Remember, life liberty pursuit of happiness, and I would put good night sleep as essence of life. One day when you were a small baby you knew very well when and how much to sleep, and you somehow forgot that, and you are right now sleep deprived. So, coming weekend sleep and add those hours of your sleep that you owe to yourself. 14. Become 80% vegetarian, and 20% good fish like salmon and turkey and chicken breast. Actually, my the very healthiest patient is a vegetarian patient. 15. Exercise 5 times a day, according to CDC, and make it 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic. Get a pedometer and make 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day, and learn to love it, and to get sweat at least 3 times every week. Think health, think of your body as a priceless house for your human soul. 16. Tell the truth and it will set you free- This is timeless truth, and if we do it all the time, we would never get any chronic disease, and we would never have problem with depression, anxiety and stress. 17. Do everything in moderation 18. Examine your life, because life not examined is life not worth living. 19. Find some hobby, something you really love to do (like I have this program, I love with all my heart), and your life will start unfolding as it should. 20. Join any kind of group activity that you love, like church, walking group, become student again, and you will automatically become healthier and live longer. 21. Be good son, daughter, spouse, and friend, be responsible, honest and friendly, and give love without expecting to get love back. 22. Don’t be controlling, live and let live, become patient, because if you don’t become patient, you will become patient. 23. Listen to your heart, heart has 40,000 brain cells which communicate you’re your brain all the time. Because if you think with your heart, you will never be wrong. 24. Learn to always win. How? Well, when you win, you already won, but even when you fail, you learn a lot, and you win in a way also, so you always win. 25. So, see my dear friend, I tried to tell you something, and maybe I succeeded, and maybe not, because what I wanted to share with you is wordless word, and only your heart can tell you that, a pure heart which comes from your healthy spirituality, and some psychologist call it “Healthy psychological functioning., and The Art OF Living—THIS IS WHAT I WANTED TO SHARE WITH YOU MY DEAR FRIEND. And don’t forget that joy shared is double joy, and sorrow shared is half sorrow, so please share with each other all bad and all good, and this is how we can live our lives better, and grow and prosper. 26. My son Marko recently showed me difference between suffering and discipline. I was telling him how I suffered to become doctor. But Marko said that was not suffering, that it was actually DISCIPLINE. And he was correct. Yes, all of us need more discipline, and not to be lazy. Emerson said it well:” Do that thing which is necessary and good for you to do, do it and it will give you power!” And yes, we need more of that kind of right power, power to say no when no should be said, and power to say yes, when yes should be said. 27. With love and respect, and until the next time, this is your Dr Neskovic. It is already great succees to understand what is wrong. That means that we unlearned some false beliefs that were blocking us from understanding. Get that special feeling, thought and AHA experience, and it will set you free, and healing will start. PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELF, BROTHER! OLD MONKS AND PHIOSOPHERS ARE TELLING TO US, BECAUSE WHEN WE REALLY PAY ATTENTION WE WILL GET THE ANSWER AND START LIVING OUR LIFE IN RIGHT DIRECTION. LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH DIGNITY, AND YOU WILL DIE WITH DIGNITY. I WANT TO MAKE YOU AWARE. UNAWERENESS OF OUR PROBLEMS IS ROOTH OF ALL EVIL. MAYBE YOU DIDN’T KNOW, BUT REFINED SUGAR, BLEACHED FLOWER, ARTIFICIAL SWEATENERS ARE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. MAYBE YOU DIDN’T KNOW IT, NOW YOU KNOW, AND NO EXCUSE. AVOID DEAD FOODS MADE WITH REFINED SUGAR, BLEACHED FLOWER AND ARTIFICIAL SWEATENERS. THE PROPER WAY OF VIEWING THINGS IS ESSENTIAL, VERY IMPORTANT, TO LIVE LIFE CORRECTLY, AND TO LEARN ABOUT THE ART OF LIVING. BE GOOD , DO GOOD, BE WISE, DO WISE. OLD INDIAN MAN ONCE TOLD ME THAT THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR GOOD LIVING. TRANSCEND LIVING YOUR LIFE FROM FEELING GOOD, TO BEING GOOD, EROM GATHER, FROM TOGETHER TO BEING UNITED IN A FITTING WAY. DON’T FOLLOW THE WRONG EXAMPLE: LIKE IN THE STORY ABOUT FOX WITHOUT LEGS AND THE TIGER BRINGING FOOD TO FOX. RULE OF ST. BENEDICT FROM 6TH CETURY: AUSCULTA- LISTEN. TO REALLY LISTEN MEANS TO SURRENDER, TO TRUST, TOLOVE. AND WHEN YOU RELLY LERN HOW TO LISTEN, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE, WHICH ARE QUALITIES OF THE ARTS OF LISTENING. AND ACTUALLY LISTENING, HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE ARE HEAVENLY VIRTUES. WHEN I WAS 50, IT CAME TO ME FROM ABOVE TO LISTEN AT LEAST TWO TIMES MORE THAN THAT I SHOULD SPEAK. That’s why god gave us two ears to listen and one mouth to speak. With Respect and God Bless. Sincerely, S Mike Neskovic, MD