Monday, February 25, 2008

This is our Family

Who we are and where we are going - a message from the new Secretary Treasurer of Medical
Staff, Dr. Mike Neskovic

Dear Employees, Nurses and Doctors:
I am really impressed and humbled by being a physician on active staff for the last 15 years in our great Glendale Memorial Hospital. It is also an honor and a humbling experience being your Secretary Treasurer, a Medical Staff Officer in one of the 100 best heart hospitals in the nation.
How did we achieve this great honor is still a mystery to me, but I do know the part of the answer. I was a physician in Yugoslavia, in Chicago's best hospitals, in Galina, Illinois' hospital, in Daytona Beach, Florida hospital, and I am on medical staff in all three Glendale hospital's too, but I have never felt that feeling of belonging like I do feel from the very first day in Glendale Memorial Hospital.

All of us associated in any of the hundreds of different ways with Glendale Memorial Hospital, are indeed like a big family. Yes, this is a place where we work, but much more than that. I know personally many of you, some of you are my own patients, who chose this hospital for your own medical needs and needs of your own families. There are many doctors on the staff actually doctor's doctors, which is the highest honor any doctor can achieve. Just to mention a few: Dr. Polito, Dr. Perez, Dr. Don Lee, Dr. O'Connor, Dr. Karayan, and Dr. Finstead are really the best doctors that I ever knew and they are indeed doctor's doctors. They are trusted by many to treat our colleagues, doctors and their families too. When my own father had surgery in Glendale Memorial Hospital, nurses told me that at that same time on the same floor two other doctor's fathers were hospitalized at the same time.

See, my dear friends, our hospital is doctor's hospital and doctors families hospital too.
Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Vatche Bardakjian's father just passed away and sure enough medical staff sent to him words of condolences and flowers. We did talk to Dr. Bardakjian and shared his grief and sorrow with him. This reminds me of that old saying, “A joy shared is a double joy and a sorrow shared is half the sorrow!” This is exactly how we are dealing with our employees, nurses, doctors, our medical administration and our friends here in our dear Glendale Memorial Hospital.

Times are changing dear friends. Our hospital is now 75 years young.

February 23, 2003
Even the writer of this small essay is already a 50+ member. Yes, on February 16, 2003 I had my 50th birthday. I understand that I am different than many people I Know. In a special way I welcomed my 50th birthday and actually advertised it to everybody I know, even on the local radio and the television too.

It is my turn now to experience the second 50 years of my life and it is Glendale Memorial Hospital's turn to start its second 75 years, and yes for sure we are ready for it. Let us be healthy, enthusiastic, strong, positive, but also humbled with the privilege with sharing this hospital with many great people and humanitarians. Maybe some of you remember a great doctor, late Dr. Elwyn Stiles who was on staff in this hospital for an incredible 55 years. Maybe you remember also Dr. Phyllis Moeller who just retired and who is still so young and healthy. I think Dr. Moeller was the very first woman, Chief of Staff physician. I am proud to say that both Dr. Stiles and Dr. Moeller were and are my special friends and my mentors, and I will always respect, use and honor their great advice, wisdom and example and pass it to our younger colleagues too.

My dear friends, yes Glendale Memorial Hospital is our family. It is indeed a healthy, functional family and I am proud and humbled to be a physician on active staff here and your new Secretary Treasurer, which I consider the highest honor given to me. I also want to welcome our new President and CEO, Ms. Katherine Pelly, R.N. I wish Ms. Pelly to lead our hospital with the Christian love and with healthcare ministry in mind, to help our nurses, doctors and other staff to practice even better medicine and to go boldly toward even more prosperity and success.

Medical Director for Prevention Services and Senior Care
Secretary Treasurer Medical Staff
Glendale Memorial Hospital and Healthcare

Friday, February 22, 2008



HOW'S YOUR HEALTH? How's Your Health? See a copy of the "How's Your Health" form used by Dr. Neskovic, and try filling it out for yourself at WWW.HOWSYOURHEALTH.ORG PLEASE FILL THIS OUT NOW, PRINT THE REPORT AND BRING IT WITH YOU TO DISCUSS IT WITH DR. NESKOVIC DURING NEXT VISIT. THANK YOU


S. Mike Neskovic, MD 633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, CA, 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337 Board Certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics Active Staff Member at GMHHC and GAHHC Wellness Program Medical Director at Glendale Memorial Hospital Voted Two Times Number one Family Doctor in Glendale PROPER LIVING AND HEALTHY LIFESTLE I am now a family doctor for over 30 years, and I am glad to tell you, family medicine is still my lifelong passion and joy. Actually from age three, I was thinking about health and about helping patients. So in a way, my brain is thinking about health and wellness and helping people for more than 50 years. But in a way, it was easier for me to be a physician first 5 or 10 years, because I recognize now I was like kind of hypnotized doctor and like a robot. What do I mean by that? Well, it is very easy to stay with and quote medical textbooks and to hide behind our professors and just to prescribe medications, which are recognized by majority of doctors and backed by double-blind medical studies. The longer I am practicing medicine the more I am thinking am I helping my patients more and more or maybe less and less. I recognized that we should not put burden only on modern medications and modern technologies to help our patients, but we should go back to the root of the problems and put burden on patients themselves. Indeed, I see more and more patients, who have very poor living habits. Those patients have multiple addictions, and they have problems with taking too many drugs, legal and illegal. We see more and more patients who are sedentary and who are not doing any exercise and patients who put 100% burden on us physicians and less and less on their own healthy or unhealthy living habits. A thought from Jesus Christ comes to mind, and he said “We can resolve all life problems just by two simple things- First by prayer and second by fasting”. And why are we not fasting and praying? What Jesus is trying to tell us that food that we eat is very essential and positive mental attitude toward food we eat and toward our whole life and toward doing right things for the right reason is of utmost importance. We should eat to live, and not only live to eat, says Hippocrates, father of modern medicines. He also tells us: “Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food”. Hippocrates is trying to tell us that food we eat is essential for our health, well being and overall healthy or unhealthy aging. This article is about proper living and healthy lifestyle! What do I mean by that? Well, proper living is listening to our heart and going back to the basics. Remember that old saying: “Early to bed and early to rise and leave to be healthy, wealthy and wise”. People are creatures of habits and yes, if we wake up early, if we have good night sleep our day will be unfolding as it should. That is why I am proposing that we live properly. For example, when should we eat? This is so simple question, but many people would miss the answer. The answer is that we should eat when we are hungry. Probably three meals and two snacks are too much for us. Also our portion control is very important. So, our whole attitude to our lives and living is essential. Remember what good book tells us that our bodies are temples of Holy Spirit! If we accept that as a 100% true, which I as a Christian doctor do accept, our bodies should be beautiful and healthy and would serve the purpose that we serve other people. If we are healthy and if we serve other people, we would be fewer burdens to other people. Also there is a great mystery that when we do something for other human beings, who cannot give us anything in return, this is in a way God’s blessing to us. Did you know that in those moments when we are securing future of some other people our own future is being secured? In conclusion, this article is telling about my dream that all of us live properly and practice healthy life style. As a physician everyday I am telling this same thing to my patients, but I am rarely getting proper response from them. Many of my patients are just simply not following me. Why is it happening? It means that many of my patients are like hypnotized and they are so deeply involved in their own wrong ways of life that they in a way do not believe me that there is any other different way to live. The old saying says that life not examined is life not worth living. I tell that to my patients all the time, and tell them to keep a diary about their lives for at least a week and to report back to me. What do you think how many of my patients come back with a diary? Well, may be one or two out of 100, and this is indeed very disappointing. That is why I decided to write this article and to tell in details what I always wanted to tell all of my patients. We should start doing right things for the right reason, we should start respecting our bodies as a holly temple and our health will start improving and our bodies will become healthier and more beautiful. We are dealing today with epidemics of heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung diseases and many other chronic diseases, which indeed are 80% curable if patients are willing to change bad habits and practice healthy lifestyle. Maybe you didn’t know, but with chronic diseases health care professionals can help only about 20%, and about 80% burden is on the patients themselves to get well. We have in Glendale Memorial Hospital Stanford Chronic Disease Management Program, which is an excellent program to help any patient with chronic disease. This program has trained patients who become educators and they are educated to teach other patient about diseases that they themselves have and that they are very good and skilled in controlling by themselves. The fact that doctor can help usually only about 20% with any chronic incurable disease and that they can help themselves 80% is in a way a healing and liberating statement. Because when patients really know the truth, it will set them free and they will get convinced that their old way of life, full of errors and unhealthy habits is not worth living. So in a way, I am not trying to convince my patients to do what is right or wrong, but I would like them to come to conclusion to get convinced themselves and to start doing what is right. To write this article, I was encouraged by many of my patients and many of my colleague doctors, who were guests on my TV program “Health Line with Dr. Neskovic”. My colleagues and patients are seeing that I am coming from a very special healing place that my whole life is indeed a good example of living healthy, doing healthy exercises, eating healthy, dealing with human emotions in a healthy way and having a great healthy attitude. Yes, if we want to succeed and live healthy life, we need to have a great healthy attitude. I learned many secrets of life from my patients and I collected many great original thoughts from my patients, which I would like to share with you one day. Also being a physician on active medical staff for more than 19 years in Glendale Memorial Hospital, I learned many very useful healing techniques and great advice from my senior colleagues, which I call my mentors and I would like to share that with you. My motive for writing this article is pure one, and the desire of my heart remains to help as many patients as possible. If this article helps at least one patient who suffers from incurable but treatable diseases like severe obesity, diabetes, chronic lung disease or patients with severe incurable headaches, I would be the happiest doctor of all. So please, stop right now and reevaluate your life, make decision to get rid of your bad habits, and your unhealthy life, and start doing exercise five times a week, and you will start growing younger and healthier. With Respect, S. Mike Neskovic, MD.

FOR OUR NEW PATIENTS: Registration Forms

Registration Forms

Dr. Neskovic's Family Practice Medical Office Adult Registration Form Patient Name: Last Name First Name Middle Name Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Social Security: Sex: M F Birthdate: Age: Birthplace: Marital Status: Spouse/Partner’s Name: Your occupation: Employer: Work Phone: Work Address: City: Zip: Person to Contact in case of emergency: Relation: Address: Phone No.: City: State: Zip: Name of Insurance: Guarantor’s name: Relation to patient: Guarantor’s birthdate: Social Security: Certificate/ID #: Group/Policy #: Guarantor’s employer: Address of employer: City: State: Zip: How did you hear about this practice? My preferred method of communication (eg. Test results) is through: (circle one or more) Telephone Regular mail E-mail In person I authorize the release of any medical information necessary for care or treatment or to process an insurance claim. I also hereby authorize my insurance benefits, if any, to be paid directly to Spasoje M Neskovic, MD. I acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices for Dr Neskovic's Family Practice Medical Office and that I may obtain a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices upon request. Signature Date Dr Neskovic's Family Practice Adult Health History PATIENT NAME_______________________________________________________________ DATE________________________ This history form provides us with information to help us meet all your healthcare needs. This is a confidential part of your medical record and will not be shared with anyone else without your permission unless there is an immediate risk to yourself or others. Please list all medicines you are currently taking (include nonprescription drugs or vitamins): __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Please list all allergies (foods, drugs, environment): Please list all serious illnesses, operations, and other hospitalizations you have experienced and indicate year these occurred: Have you ever used any tobacco products? No Yes _______________________________________________ If former smoker, date quit_________________________ Do you ever drink any alcohol? No Yes _______________________________________________ Do you ever drink any caffeine products? No Yes Have you ever used any recreational drugs? No Yes Exercise/recreation_______________________________ ______________________________________________ Who lives with you? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Circle if you have ever had any of the following: Chicken Pox Asthma Hives or Eczema Nasal allergies or hay fever High blood pressure High cholesterol Heart disease or heart attack Diabetes Migraine Headaches Seizures Stroke or TIA Cancer Blood transfusions Positive TB skin test Hepatitis Kidney disease Thyroid disease Anemia Blood clots Depression Anxiety Eating disorder Sexually transmitted infection AIDS or HIV infection Date of Last Tetanus shot ________________ Women only: Date of last period ___________ Last Pap smear ___________ Last Mammogram ___________ Type of birth control used ____________________________ # Pregnancies _____________ # Full term births _____________ # Preterm births _____________ FAMILY HISTORY Circle if any blood relative has had any of the following: Cancer Diabetes Heart disease High blood pressure High cholesterol Stroke Asthma Thyroid disease Kidney disease Drug or alcohol problem Depression REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Circle if you are currently having any problems with the following: Abnormal fatigue Weight problem Vision problems Problems with ears, nose or throat Lung or breathing problems Heart problems Stomach or digestive problems Urination problems Joint or muscle problems Neurologic or nerve problems Skin problems Allergy problems Bleeding problems Sleep problems Anxiety or depression Sexual problems Domestic Violence Women only: Problems with breasts Menstrual problems Patients Signature and date signed



CURRRICULUM VITAE S. MIKE NESKOVIC, MD, MBA Board Certified Family Physician and Geriatrician 633 N. Central Ave #209, Glendale, Ca, 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337 Pager: 818-637 9337 E-mail: Personal information: • Date of birth: February 12 1953 • Place of birth: Belgrade, Serbia • Marital status: Married to wife Gordana from April 9th 1989 • Children: Alexander is now 15 and Marko is 12.5 • Medical practice in Vukovar and Tovarnik from 1977 to 1980 • Medical practice in Chicago and Los Angeles 1980 till present Professional information: • Medical doctor from January 28 1977, graduated with honor at Belgrade Medical School, University of Belgrade • Postgraduate studies about Speech Impairment in Class of Prof. Dr Brajevic from 1978 to 1979 • Board Certified in Family medicine at University of Illinois, Chicago from 1987 • Board Certified in Geriatric Medicine at UCLA- University of California Los Angeles from 1993 • Master of Business Administration- Healthcare Administration, from 1-4-2007 • In Private Practice and on active medical staff at Glendale Adventist Hospital and Glendale Memorial Hospital from June 1988 • Medical Director for Preventive medicine at Glendale Memorial Hospital from 1994 till present • Secretary Treasurer for Glendale Memorial Hospital for years 2003 and 2004 • Voted two times as Number one Family Doctor in Glendale according to Glendale News Press- Los Angeles Times • Tai Chi Instructor for American Arthritis Foundation Dr. Neskovic has been Member of the following medical societies: • American Academy of Family practice • Illinois Medical Society • Chicago Medical Society • Los Angeles County medical Association • American Medical Association Healthline Radio Show with Dr. Neskovic: Dr. Neskovic started his own radio show on premier LA Radio station KRLA, 870AM Radio 4 years ago, and had so far 86 shows. He is interviewing with great passion medical doctors, other health professionals, and even a philosopher Roy Masters. Topics of his shows are all related to body, mind and spiritual approach to modern medicine. TV Healthline Show with Dr. Neskovic: Two years ago Dr. Neskovic started his own TV Show, with former Adelphia television, and this year with Warner Brother’s cable television. This TV Program is Dr. Neskovic’s great passion, and he is doing it with great pleasure. His weekly TV program is watched by more than 900,000 viewers. He always invites the most eminent physicians from Southern California, like: • Don Lee, MD, FAAC Clinical Professor of cardiology at USC Medical School • Kenneth Frankel, MD, FAAP Professor of Pathology at USC Medical School • Petar Vukasin, MD Assistant Clinical Professor ColoRectal Surgery at USC • Milton Louie, MD Chief of Staff Glendale Memorial Hospital • Jonathan Fielding, MD, Medical Director for Infectious diseases control at LA County • Onkar Marwah, MD, FAAC Assistant Clinical Proffesor of Cardiology at USC • Father Mark Jaufman, Pastor at Glendale Memorial Hospital • Jack Yu, MD, AAFP, AQGM Associate Clinical Professor at Loma Linda Medical School, and GAH Family Practice Residency Program Dr. Neskovic’s Web sites: • for more details about our TV Programs, and where you can see more pictures and Field Trip Reports recorded for TV Healthline • where you can view our TV programs over your internet, every Monday at 8am and 8pm Pacific time • where you can learn more about my medical practice, and read my medical articles, I wrote for our community • • • Reference: Available upon request, and also all of the above guests would be kind to give you any information you could need



TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: SECOND HOLLYWOOD HEALTHLINE SHOW, ON 8-18-06 WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SHOULD TELL YOU? 1. Your health is a very serious business. Mistakes made in past are not possible to correct most of the time. And even when correctable with drugs, drugs have dangerous side effects which can harm your health. 2. So, examine your life regularly, make small corrections constantly. Remember that our body is temple of Holly Spirit, and it should be beautiful. 3. If you got any chronic condition, like heart disease, high blood pressure, headache, depression, anxiety, weight problem and even only high cholesterol, this advice is pertinent for you. And even if your spouse or friend has any of these chronic problems, this advice is pertinent for you. 4. You will never find solutions in body and mind realm only. And even if you get better, you are remaining part of the problem and not part of a solution. 5. Permanent and real solutions are found in our heart and spiritual realm. And this is so hard for so many of my patients to understand and accept. 6. Most of my patients whoa re not getting better are like hypnotized. It is called “Hypnosis of social Conditioning”. We have very hard time to live life correctly, but we repeat mistakes of our grandfathers and fathers, and our culture’s bad habits. 7. Many of my patients are addicted, and even don’t know it or don’t believe it, and would fiercely deny it. Like thy can stop smoking or drinking soft drinks, and especially diet drinks, any time they want- but actually they can not do that. Definition of addiction is that we repeatedly and regularly take something not necessary for our health. And the most difficult problem is with food, because it is hard to distinguish eating to live-for our good health, vs. living to eat. 8. SO WHAT TO DO? 9. First, learn to THINK differently. You become what you think about all day- old philosophers would say. Correct thinking will bring you to your salvation. Think and believe that we are born in SIN- and there are 7 deadly sins. Go on internet, or just read bible carefully, and you will see that you, and me to have at least one or two sin problems in our human nature. 10. Become success in your own life- and I mean success with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual and even your financial health. Think and acknowledge that you are surrounded with failures, and that real success is something very rare. 11. I know you expect me to tell you to exercise and eat healthy food, but emotional and spiritual aspect of how and what exercise and what food you to eat is 100 times more important for successful and healthy life. And how to do it I call “The art of living”. 12. And “The Art of Living” is hard to explain with words, because it is mostly “Wordless Word”, and you either get it or you don’t get it. It is like a foreign language, for one person those are just unknown sounds, and for the other person those same sounds are a beautiful song or truth which can touch your heart. 13. Let me start with importance of good night sleep. Remember, life liberty pursuit of happiness, and I would put good night sleep as essence of life. One day when you were a small baby you knew very well when and how much to sleep, and you somehow forgot that, and you are right now sleep deprived. So, coming weekend sleep and add those hours of your sleep that you owe to yourself. 14. Become 80% vegetarian, and 20% good fish like salmon and turkey and chicken breast. Actually, my the very healthiest patient is a vegetarian patient. 15. Exercise 5 times a day, according to CDC, and make it 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic. Get a pedometer and make 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day, and learn to love it, and to get sweat at least 3 times every week. Think health, think of your body as a priceless house for your human soul. 16. Tell the truth and it will set you free- This is timeless truth, and if we do it all the time, we would never get any chronic disease, and we would never have problem with depression, anxiety and stress. 17. Do everything in moderation 18. Examine your life, because life not examined is life not worth living. 19. Find some hobby, something you really love to do (like I have this program, I love with all my heart), and your life will start unfolding as it should. 20. Join any kind of group activity that you love, like church, walking group, become student again, and you will automatically become healthier and live longer. 21. Be good son, daughter, spouse, and friend, be responsible, honest and friendly, and give love without expecting to get love back. 22. Don’t be controlling, live and let live, become patient, because if you don’t become patient, you will become patient. 23. Listen to your heart, heart has 40,000 brain cells which communicate you’re your brain all the time. Because if you think with your heart, you will never be wrong. 24. Learn to always win. How? Well, when you win, you already won, but even when you fail, you learn a lot, and you win in a way also, so you always win. 25. So, see my dear friend, I tried to tell you something, and maybe I succeeded, and maybe not, because what I wanted to share with you is wordless word, and only your heart can tell you that, a pure heart which comes from your healthy spirituality, and some psychologist call it “Healthy psychological functioning., and The Art OF Living—THIS IS WHAT I WANTED TO SHARE WITH YOU MY DEAR FRIEND. And don’t forget that joy shared is double joy, and sorrow shared is half sorrow, so please share with each other all bad and all good, and this is how we can live our lives better, and grow and prosper. 26. My son Marko recently showed me difference between suffering and discipline. I was telling him how I suffered to become doctor. But Marko said that was not suffering, that it was actually DISCIPLINE. And he was correct. Yes, all of us need more discipline, and not to be lazy. Emerson said it well:” Do that thing which is necessary and good for you to do, do it and it will give you power!” And yes, we need more of that kind of right power, power to say no when no should be said, and power to say yes, when yes should be said. 27. With love and respect, and until the next time, this is your Dr Neskovic. It is already great succees to understand what is wrong. That means that we unlearned some false beliefs that were blocking us from understanding. Get that special feeling, thought and AHA experience, and it will set you free, and healing will start. PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELF, BROTHER! OLD MONKS AND PHIOSOPHERS ARE TELLING TO US, BECAUSE WHEN WE REALLY PAY ATTENTION WE WILL GET THE ANSWER AND START LIVING OUR LIFE IN RIGHT DIRECTION. LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH DIGNITY, AND YOU WILL DIE WITH DIGNITY. I WANT TO MAKE YOU AWARE. UNAWERENESS OF OUR PROBLEMS IS ROOTH OF ALL EVIL. MAYBE YOU DIDN’T KNOW, BUT REFINED SUGAR, BLEACHED FLOWER, ARTIFICIAL SWEATENERS ARE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. MAYBE YOU DIDN’T KNOW IT, NOW YOU KNOW, AND NO EXCUSE. AVOID DEAD FOODS MADE WITH REFINED SUGAR, BLEACHED FLOWER AND ARTIFICIAL SWEATENERS. THE PROPER WAY OF VIEWING THINGS IS ESSENTIAL, VERY IMPORTANT, TO LIVE LIFE CORRECTLY, AND TO LEARN ABOUT THE ART OF LIVING. BE GOOD , DO GOOD, BE WISE, DO WISE. OLD INDIAN MAN ONCE TOLD ME THAT THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR GOOD LIVING. TRANSCEND LIVING YOUR LIFE FROM FEELING GOOD, TO BEING GOOD, EROM GATHER, FROM TOGETHER TO BEING UNITED IN A FITTING WAY. DON’T FOLLOW THE WRONG EXAMPLE: LIKE IN THE STORY ABOUT FOX WITHOUT LEGS AND THE TIGER BRINGING FOOD TO FOX. RULE OF ST. BENEDICT FROM 6TH CETURY: AUSCULTA- LISTEN. TO REALLY LISTEN MEANS TO SURRENDER, TO TRUST, TOLOVE. AND WHEN YOU RELLY LERN HOW TO LISTEN, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE, WHICH ARE QUALITIES OF THE ARTS OF LISTENING. AND ACTUALLY LISTENING, HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE ARE HEAVENLY VIRTUES. WHEN I WAS 50, IT CAME TO ME FROM ABOVE TO LISTEN AT LEAST TWO TIMES MORE THAN THAT I SHOULD SPEAK. That’s why god gave us two ears to listen and one mouth to speak. With Respect and God Bless. Sincerely, S Mike Neskovic, MD


Dr. S. Mike Neskovic MD

Family Medicine

Welcome to Dr. S. Mike Neskovic MD's Online Office


Contact Information

Dr. S. Mike Neskovic MD
633 N. Central Ave. Suite 209
Glendale, CA 91203
Phone: 818-244-4114
Fax: 1-818-244-9337

Office Hours


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Phone: 818-244-4114

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

More About Me!


Business Type: Health
First Name: SPASOJE

633 N. CENTRAL AVE #209

818- 244 4114


Web Site

Dr. Neskovic is Board Certified Family Physician and Geriatrician- a Specialist from UCLA treating Senior Citizens. Dr. Neskovic finished Medical school in 1977, at Belgrade Medical School, and finished Family Practice Residency at University of Illinois Chicago in 1987, and Geriatric Fellowship at UCLA in 1998. Dr. Neskovic accepts most insurances including Medicare and Medimedi. Dr. Neskovic is on active Medical Staff at Glendale Aventist and Glendale Memorial Hospitals. Dr. Neskovic was voted as Number one Family Doctor two times, by 25,000 Glendale News Press readers. Please call our office for an appointment at 818- 244 4114, or use our Messaging- computer to our fax system at Thank You and God Bless
Doctor Neskovic has been in private practice in Glendale, California since 1988. He has a special interest in working with seniors and preventive medicine.
He received his medical degree from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia; completed his internship at Columbus Hospital Northwestern Medical School, Chicago; and his residency at St. Elizabeth Hospital at the University of Illinois. Doctor Neskovic also completed a two-year fellowship in Geriatrics at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Doctor Neskovic is a member of the following:

The American Academy of Family Physicians
The California Academy of Family Physicians
American Medical Association
American Geriatrics Society
Los Angeles County Medical Association

Dr. Neskovic has provided a variety of community lectures.
Topics included:

Growing Younger
Breast Cancer
Preventive Medicine
Healthy Aging
Tai Chi



Being a family physician for more than 30 years, I have one ongoing concern about my patients, one problem that is very difficult to resolve. Many of my patients do smoke cigarettes and it is very difficult to explain to them that cigarette smoking is #1 controllable risk factor for heart disease and an important risk factor for early death and prolonged sickness and long suffering. How to explain to smokers that the day to stop smoking is right now!? And why should they stop smoking right now?

I am telling them every time I see them that they are destroying their very precious blood vessels in their eyes, in their heart, in their kidneys and in their lungs, and they somehow don't hear me. They don't get it! How to tell them that they will definitely develop chronic lung disease and emphysema, and possibly get a lung cancer?

But even though we are telling all of that to our patients, they just do not get it! Why do they do not get it? Because, chemically cigarettes are made mostly of nicotine, but there are also close to 1000 chemicals in cigarettes and it is very, very addictive. Medically speaking cigarette smoking is more addicting than cocaine or heroine and any of those very dangerous drugs. Maybe you did not know that even if you are 50, 60 or 70 if you stop smoking now, your body will start repairing itself and making your blood vessels better, your skin quality will improve, your breathing will improve and your overall health will start improving.

There are many resources to help our patients nowadays, but maybe you are not aware of those resources. For example, every doctor has many of those resources and the best one is our knowledge that we can explain to them what is really going on within our bodies and within our brains. There are six stages of change with any chronic disease or with any addiction. They are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse. That means when I see a patient in my office, I can easily identify what stage of change this patient is now. The most difficult patients to get help are patients in pre-contemplation and completion stages because they are like hypnotized and they just do not get it. But if we explain to them many benefits of smoking cessation and if we tell them that probably in a few months they can go from pre contemplation stage to contemplation and yes to third stage preparation and action, they will listen to us better, and start making necessary changes.

The best way to help our patients is while they are in that action stage because they are ready and they want to listen to our advice, and they will quit smoking. First, what I give to my patients is a plastic card that is recommended by California Smokers Help Line. It says on this card that you take charge of your health and if you want to take charge call us we can talk about how to quit smoking or chewing tobacco because chewing tobacco is equally dangerous. So, please call this number 1800 NOBUTTS, or it is 1800-662-8887. You will get many useful information with this Smokers Help Line, and maybe that is all you need, or maybe not. You know that you can get those nicotine chewing gums over the counter and they are somewhat useful too, but the very best medicine so far that we have is called Chantix. Those are tablets and they come in prepackaged packet that is very easy to implement and this medicine is really very safe and results are great.

Close to 70-80% of patients will stop smoking and become eventually nonsmokers with Chantix, and it is indeed great news. You can also join the Get Quit Support Plan when you get prescribed those Chantix tablets from your doctor. This Chantix support is supervised by trained professionals and it is free of charge with medication prescribed for the next 12 months. I think this will be plenty of time that you become a nonsmoker from a smoker.

So! My dear friend, do not wait for tomorrow, pick up the phone and call your doctor right away and ask your doctor to help you to stop smoking. Maybe you do not think that smoking is an addiction. Maybe you think that you can stop smoking anytime you can and that is probably true. Many patients tell me, "Oh, I can stop smoking anytime I want!", but the problem is that they restart smoking again. But the good news is that every time when you decide to stop smoking and even you restart smoking you are one step closer to your definite beginning of becoming a nonsmoker. Medical statistics shows that an average smoker need to stop smoking about nine times until he or she becomes a non smoker from a smoker.

So, I want to give you good news! Yes you definitely can stop smoking and you can become a nonsmoker from a smoker. Again, pickup the phone right now and call your doctor and in my opinion you should get help from this California Smokers Help Line and probably if your doctor agrees, you should start taking those Chantix tablets and in my opinion this is the very best medicine we have had.

In conclusion, smoking is one of the most difficult addictions that human beings can go through. Smoking is worse than being addicted to cocaine or heroine. Smoking is destroying your lungs, your eyes, your heart and your kidneys! Smoking is destroying those tiny blood vessels, which give blood supply to our organs. My professor said that if people would know how much cigarette smoke damages their facial skin by destroying that precious collagen and connective tissue, they would stop smoking right away.

So yes, you can start getting healthier and you can start growing younger if you make that decision to stop smoking now. Please do not hesitate, pick up your phone and call your doctor right away. My only motive of writing this article is to educate smokers that time has come, that you realize my dear friend that you are destroying your the most valuable possession you will ever have, your own body! You can stop smoking, and time to do it is right now! So please call your doctor and make an appointment and make a decision to stop smoking today!
With love and respect,

S. Mike Neskovic, MD.